Methods of payment
I would like to inform you, that we will not deliver shipments to private customers to Austria, Sweden, Finland, Spain and Bulgaria. Please thank the new packaging regulations of the respective countries for this.
We can continue to supply retailers and companies. If you would like to buy something, please send us an email.
Shopping is not possible for customers from Latvia, Poland, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Romania, Greece and Cyprus.
We ship daily from Monday to Friday immediately after receipt of payment with DHL
You can choose out of the following methods of payment:
ATTENTION: For customers from Germany and the EU we offer a discount of 3% for the payment method "advance bank transfer".
- bank transfer (advance payment)
- direct debit (only on written orders, after the sending of the SEPA Direct Debit Scheme, with a German bank account)
- Payment by direct debit or credit card (processed via paypalplus)
- Paypal
Customer information on the refund of value-added tax in case of export to third countries
The Value Added Tax Act (§4) plans tax exemptions on deliveries and benefits in special cases. The export shipment (§6) belongs to this referred to §4, sect.1, No.1.
A tax-free export shipment is existent in case the trader (Q-TECH) transports the item of delivery into the third country’s area (§6, sect. 1 No.2). In that case without any exceptions.
A tax-free export shipment is also existent in case the customer (client) transports the item of delivery into the third country’s area on his own (§6, sect. 1 No.2). Referred to §6, sect. 3, the following constriction is effective:If it concerns an upgrade or supply item of a conveyor, the export only is tax-free in case the customer is a foreign trader and the concerning conveyor serves the customer’s company’s purposes.
A private person resident in the third country does not have any right to a refund of value-added tax according to the „self carried out“ export of motorcycle spare parts and accessories.
Hint: Allow us to send you the goods that you bought locally in our shop to your home. Then we are able to write the bill directly without value-added tax.